The project is over

End of WordPress project

Its done. Its over. I’m happy about that. It taught me a lot, and I’m so very much looking forward to more.

WordCamp Toronto 2012

I attended it. It was great. I got to speak to a lot of people about what they do with WordPress, and it was very educational. There is another one happening at the beginning of November, and this one will be geared towards developers. I’m volunteering for that one and very excited about it. It should be an absolutely amazing exploratory experience.

I got to speak to people from Kobayashi Online and SwitchWP, and it was enlightening to speak to these developers who’ve been in the business for years. With any luck, I’ll be able to work with them on many cool projects.


Not a lot of the people I spoke to knew about the Pods project, which makes WordPress even more easy to use as a CMS. I will be focusing on this over the next few weeks to become a master at it. This should give me a chance to leverage my programming skills and differentiate myself from other web-devs. Good stuff.

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