The following is how to set up an Upstart file so you can have a rails application autostart upon the startup of a server.
Modify the “USERNAME” and “TAG_FOR_THIS_PROCESS_IN_SYSLOG” fields to something that you want. It will run the server as the user you declare, so that the server isn’t run as the root user
If the process dies for any reason, Upstart will try to get it back up and running.
description "" author "" # When to start the service start on runlevel [2345] # When to stop the service stop on runlevel [016] # Automatically restart process if crashed respawn # Start the process env RAILS_ENV=staging chdir /home/USERNAME/learn_sorcery exec su -c '/home/USERNAME/.rbenv/shims/bundle exec rails s | logger -t TAG_FOR_THIS_PROCESS_IN_SYSLOG' USERNAME
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