Talend exercises in Clojure: ‘Advanced’ XML

This time, we convert a CSV-file to an XML file, but place the order-attributes not as content tags in the XML, but as attributes of each ‘ORDER_LINE’ tag. For an unknown reason, this part is titled ‘Advanced XML output for complex XML structures’. It took 54 lines of code in Clojure. Feast your eyes on programming goodness.

(ns talend-for-data-integration.ch3-advanced-xml-output
  (:require [clojure.java.io :as io]
            [java-time :as time]
            [clojure.data.csv :as cd-csv]
            [clojure.data.xml :as cd-xml]
            [semantic-csv.core :as sc]))

(def file

(def f
  "LazySeq of all rows in the CSV file."
  (with-open [in-file (io/reader file)]
    (-> in-file
        (cd-csv/read-csv :separator \;)

(def a
  "Filter out all non-shipped orders."
   #(= "shipped" (:shipping_status %))

(def b
  (group-by :order_id a))

(defn transform [row]
  {:ID (:line_id row)
   :SKU (:sku row)
   :QUANTITY (:quantity row)
   :DISPATCHED_DATE (time/format
                     "y-M-d HH:mm"
   :TRACKING_ID (:courier_docket_code row)})

(defn orderline->xml [row]
  (cd-xml/element "ORDER_LINE"
                  (transform row)))

(defn order->xml [order]
  (cd-xml/element "ORDER"
                  {:ID (first order)}
                  (map orderline->xml (second order))))

(defn orders->xml [orders]
  (cd-xml/element "DISPATCH_DOCKET"
                  (map order->xml b)))

(with-open [out-file (io/writer "out.xml")]
  (cd-xml/emit (orders->xml b)


  • I have made intermediate variables [file, f, a, b] so that its easy to see the transformations I’m making to the raw data. These don’t need to stay. It’ll be very simple to refactor those intermediate variables out of the code.
  • Getting the time format correct was a pain; it took about 7 additional minutes to get that sorted out. I’m not quite sure why (time/format) requires a Java.time.OffsetDateTime value instead of a plain-Jane java.util.Date value. Such is life.

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